iHempWA Association Annual General Meeting

Event Date:
Event Time:
1:30 pm AWST
Event Location:
Sativa Sanctuary, Forest View , Witchcliffe
Industrial Hemp Western Australia Association Inc. (iHempWA) A1019234F
All iHempWA members are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting and nominate for a committee and office bearer role in writing 7 days prior the meeting. We need human resources, self motivated people with passion, energy and skills to deliver our objectives.
Election process: All committee members and office bearers stand down, uncontested written nominations are accepted, if any obligatory roles remain unfilled verbal, in person, nominations are invited and voted upon. Obligatory roles: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and at least one other committee member.
Roles to be filled: Secretary Diana Rose resigned 14 July, we thank Diana for all her time and energy and wish her well. Our Treasurer Sharon Devine will be resigning at the AGM.
Our vision is to establish, develop and support a sustainable and prosperous hemp industry for Western Australia. We are working together to create a better world for our collective future.
We invite everyone who shares our vision to get involved. Help make the world a better place. Come show your support and help the iHempWA committee celebrate the previous years achievements.
Open to all iHempWA members – Confirm your attendance register below.
This event is a part of iHempWA’s HEMP Industry Building Blocks events & workshops 2019 series.