Hemp Seed Testing & Certification Workshop

Event Date:
Event Time:
1:25 pm AWST
Event Location:
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development DPIRD , Bunbury
Hemp industry information day, a collaboration with DPIRD, HempGro and iHempWA.
Hemp Seed Testing & Certification Workshop
Focusing on varieties, varietal protection, seed quality and trade of seed
Key topics:
- Breeding program information
- What constitutes a variety
- Protection of varieties, Certification schemes, Plant Breeders Rights
- Seed quality, Testing, Storage, Sampling, Drying, Grading
- Minimum standards for WA seed and Labelling
- Seed for food (food business)
Speakers and Programme to be announced
Admission is FREE – Bookings are required as seating is limited. Please provide us with your contact details.
This event is a part of iHempWA’s HEMP Industry Building Blocks events & workshops 2019 series.
Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.