Can I grow hemp?

Simple answer is YES!
The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia acts as the Registrar for the Industrial Hemp Act 2004. This legislation enables licensees to cultivate, harvest and process industrial hemp on a commercial scale.

The Depatment of Health via the Office of Drug Control regulate the medical Cannabis industry in Australia. The Narcotic Drugs Amendment Act 2016 details the regulatory framework that has been put in place to enable applications for licences and permits for the cultivation, production and manufacture of medicinal cannabis products.

WA hemp farmers are currently focused on growing our seed banks for future crops, seed for hemp foods and some seed oil production for body care products. The recent approval of low-THC hemp seed products to be used as a food additive by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) is wonderful news for the developing hemp industry, as of 11 November, sale of hemp foods for human consumption is no longer a crime.

The potenial financial benefits to broadacre farmers is yet to be realised, as there is currently no decortication processing facilities in WA. Watch this space…